Money Management Secrets: Why Millionaires Have a Budget
It’s pretty safe to bet that millionaires are good with money management. But do millionaires have budgets?
You might think that at a certain point, you make enough money that you don’t have to bother with things like budgets anymore. But the truth is that millionaires DO have budgets. That’s why they stay millionaires. Because money management starts with a budget.
No matter how much money you have, a budget is essential. Let’s talk about why that is true.
So what comes up when you hear the word “budget?” I bet that the first thing that comes to mind is limiting yourself. Having a budget feels like a plan to restrict your spending because you don’t have enough money for what you really want.

I used to think that too! For years I believed, pretty much like everyone else, being on a budget meant that there wasn’t enough money. It was that idea that budgeting means shrinking down or limiting yourself because you have to.
But the reality is that no matter how much money you have, it requires proper management. And properly managing your money is what budgeting really is!
Let’s go into how this works.
No matter who you are, your money goes into 4 major areas. Those areas are living, lifestyle, savings and investing. So allocating your money into these 4 areas is actually a form of budgeting, whether it seems like it or not.
You could call it “money management.” Or you could call it “wealth management.” No matter what you call it, you’re essentially doing the same thing.
But no matter what you call it, wealthy people DO track their spending. They manage their money. They ensure that their money is working for them at all times. That’s how they stay wealthy.
Then, there’s the flip side…
Ever wonder why nearly 1/3 of lottery winners eventually go bankrupt? One of the major reasons is that after their big windfall, they think they have “enough money” now, so they don’t need a budget anymore.
So what happens next?
If you don’t have proper money management skills in place to start with, simply having more money won’t create those skills. So in the case of many lottery winers, the poor money habits they always had simply follow them into a new tax bracket. And it often ends up costing them all of their winnings. Sometimes even MORE.
So it turns out that you can’t earn your way out of the need for a budget! Just having “more money” is never enough. You need to properly manage your money, and that means budgeting.
THAT is why millionaires have budgets!
If you struggle with the idea of budgeting, I get it. But I’ve learned that budgeting just means boundaries.
I’m talking about putting boundaries around your money. Spending in a more balanced way that suits your both your short and long-term goals and desires.
The word budget gets a bad rap for sure. But I have learned that the more the idea of a budget makes you cringe, the more you could benefit from having one! (I learned this was true for myself, for sure.)
So here’s a new way to think about budgeting…
You don’t shrink to meet your budget. You expand to reach your income desires.
AND… the only way to get there is to ensure that you’re able to live your life, pay your bills, protect your money, and diversify your income streams. This is where a budget comes in.
Makes budgeting sound a lot more inspiring, doesn’t it?
So if you’re ready for a fool proof way of budgeting your money NOT to restrict yourself, but to expand into the life you desire, your next best step is the Chakra Budget & Balance Course.
This course is the best of practical budgeting steps and game-changing energetic shifts. It will help you discover the source of any old money stories (including how you feel about budgeting!), let them go, and take practical steps toward a budget that suits your needs. We’re talking about a budget that will grow and expand with you, not keep you stuck.
The Chakra Budget & Balance course is available now. I can’t wait for you to experience the freedom and expansion budgeting can bring to your business and life!
Ready to get started? Get it HERE!
Now, I want to hear from you! How do you feel about budgeting? I’d love to know. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Until next time…
Love, light, and MONEY, honey…
Hi, Kaylee! Thank you for the great information. It is great confirmation of the fact that people of substantial means know exactly what they have and where it goes and why. Money isn’t a mystery to the well-to-do — it’s one of many valuable tools.