Why a business mindset is so important

Why is a mindset practice so important in business? Believe it or not, a positive mindset is one of the most crucial predictors of success in business. You probably heard just about every guru out there saying the same thing, too!

So why is it a mindset practice in business is such a big deal? Here’s my take…

I believe that everything comes down to your mindset. That means that things like your relationship with money, your ability to move forward, and your capacity for success are all influenced by your thoughts.

Because after all, your thoughts become your beliefs. 

So, what might this “mindset” thing mean to you and your business? Let’s talk about how thoughts work, and consider a few examples

Your past relationships–even the ones you thought were resolved–can affect your future ability to attract “success” at a subconscious level. They can either set you up to receive the outcomes you desire. OR, the could also create an invisible barrier creating stagnation that makes it very challenging to move forward.

Unresolved thoughts from past situations can create resistance to many things. From something as simple as stepping out of your comfort zone to something as complex as handling setbacks in life, old beliefs can literally stand between you and success.

Now, put it all together, and you can likely see that a positive mindset is a HUGE asset for a business owner! 

Now, how can you determine where you are with your thoughts, and make sure that your mindset is working for you? Let’s talk a little but about how to recognize the need for a “mindset reset,” and how to make it happen.

The signs that you might need to upgrade your mindset can vary from person to person. Sometimes they can even vary day to day! They can show up in your thought patterns and the things you say. The signs can show up as confidence (or lack thereof).

You might even find signs of old thoughts and beliefs in the form of pain in your physical body. Sometimes they show up in ways that affect your overall health, too!

Now, let’s get specific about the specific signs that you need a mindset reset in your business.

Here are a few that they might be showing up in your business:

  • You have reached a certain amount of revenue in your business, and you seem to be stuck there.
  • You’ve got fear around ‘asking for the sale’
  • You keep yourself busy ALL the time.
  • Your days feel energetically unbalanced. Some days you’re on fire, other days you barely get anything accomplished.
  • You have a high resistance to change.
  • Your ability to handle setbacks is limited.
  • You aren’t attracting clients, followers, or an audience.
  • You feel disconnected from your message, and feel generally lost.

There have been several studies on this subject, too! Check out this report from Eastern Washington University on the subject, as well as this report from Entrepreneur magazine on the merits of mindset in business!

Now, I’d love to hear from you! Where do you think you stand on your business mindset? Leave me a comment below and share your biggest mindset challenge in your business, and how you’d like to shift it to a more positive place!

Until next time,

Love, light, and MONEY, Honey…


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