What would you do if you became a Millionaire overnight? What if you won the lottery or became a genuine “overnight success” in your business? Do you think you could handle it?

Your immediate answer might be, “Of course!” But think about it for a moment. What frequently happens when people have too much success too fast?

Many of my clients have million and multimillion dollar businesses, but they didn’t get to that place overnight.

They grew their businesses over time. And on the way they did the work at all levels, from their money management skills to their money mindset mastery. They had mentors, trusted advisors (such as myself), and solid team members to guide them along the way. As they grew their money skills, clarity, and emotional capacity for success, they also expanded their ability to receive and manage an abundance of money. 

But what happens if you happen to become a millionaire (almost) overnight? What if massive success hit you out of nowhere, and you didn’t have time to make the shifts to manage that kind of cash influx? Chances are good that, like many who got rich very quickly (lottery winners, for example), you might crash and burn.

So what does it take to be ready for massive financial influxes without falling to the trappings of “overnight success?” Let’s take a look at what makes a successful millionaire.

What would you do if you received more money than you could ever have imagined? Feel into this
Money Mantra and see what comes up for you!

According to Yahoo! Money, in 2020 5.2 million people became a millionaires, up from 2.3 people in 2019. How did this happen given the crazy conditions in 2020?

I’m sure you’ve heard before that recessions make the most millionaires. But if not, here’s a breakdown of this phenomenon…

First, assets are temporarily inflated (you check that housing market last year?). Then, people get laid off from work and decide to start businesses. After that stocks soar (crypto anyone?) etc etc. That’s the short version, but I think you see how it works!

Of course, the “recession millionaire” thing is a small window that seems to be based on luck. But, as always, there is more to it than just good timing. Taking advantage of the conditions around you is about more than luck–it’s also about preparation.

One major key to improving your “luck” is creating strong Cash Flow at all times, so you can capitalize on these moments.

As always, Cash Flow is Queen (I’m sure you’ve heard me say this at least once or twice…) 😉

But is it just about positive Cash Flow? Well, that IS a big part of the picture. However, there is more to it than that alone.

So what is the difference between becoming a millionaire over night and over time? It’s the pace at which you learn. 

I have worked with businesses and individuals who have become millionaires nearly overnight. The fast cash influxes happened many different ways, like investments, inheritances, marriages, selling of assets, or something else entirely. In such situations, my clients had to learn quickly how to manage the rapid change in all the ways–strategically, energetically, mentally, and emotionally.

The thing is, having to learn so much so quickly creates room for costly mistakes, as opposed to building wealth over time and learning one step at a time.

If you have been building your assets over time and it feels like its going soooo slowly, take comfort in this: you are learning at a pace you can keep up with. You’re taking the time to set a solid foundation both financially, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. You’re doing the work NOW.

All of this will no doubt prepare you for that “overnight” success when it happens!

The ones who became millionaires overnight frequently shrink down quickly. They often collapse energetically because they don’t have the skills or support to receive sudden abundance. This triggers fear, and when fear takes over, well, you know what happens next. It’s no surprise that one in three lottery winners eventually file for bankruptcy.

If they would’ve built wealth over time, no matter how big or small their income, they would already have positive money habits. They would already have a strong relationship with money and a solid support system. They’d also have the built in positive Cash Flow.

With all these ongoing practices in place, many lottery winners or other recipients of sudden wealth could have avoided going broke.

So what’s the take-home message in all of this? It’s simple…

Start preparing NOW for your ultimate success, and you’ll step into that abundance when it arrives. You’ll have all the necessary tools to not only call in financial success, but receive it and manage it when you get it.

Or, like I always say, “Be Wealthy NOW, get RICH later.” (I explain how this works on THIS post…)

Here is a favorite Money Mantra To Help You Receive Success and Abundance!

Know that you CAN handle massive success. All you need to do is prepare for it!

So matter how you get to your big financial goals, be very intentional with your next move. Maybe you aren’t ready for a team of expert advisors or that high-priced CPA. You might not have 5K a month to throw into investing yet. But I bet you are ready to start a meaningful and trustworthy relationship with money.

You can learn the mindset shifts and the practical strategies to manage and grow any amount of money any time. Why not start today?

After all, you never know when that million dollars (or more) will show up for you. Be ready when it does!

Until next time,

Love, Light, and MONEY, Honey…


P.S. Are you ready to learn the skills you need to be that “over time” Millionaire? Then the Cash Flow Crash Course is for you! It’s perfect for solo entrepreneurs ready to take control of their money and take the guesswork out of building a solid Financial Foundation. The Cash Flow Crash Course teaches you what most people don’t know–ALL the steps way to set yourself up for lasting financial success! You’ll learn how to manage your money not only practically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

It’s a one-of-a-kind course that you won’t find anywhere else! Are you ready to change the game for good with your finances? Let’s get started!


  1. Merri on August 10, 2022 at 12:50 pm

    Thank you, Kaylee, for the reminder that “sudden success” without earning the way, so to speak, so often results in ultimate failure. It seems that one can only receive when they’ve done the work, know the game, and are familiar with what it takes to be ready to prosper.

    • Jennifer on August 10, 2022 at 4:23 pm

      So true! The good part is that there are ways to prepare and call it in as you go along, and mindset and energy is such a big part of it that so many of us overlook. So important to combine practical financial planning steps with shifting your energy and thoughts around money!

    • Kaylee Spinhirn on August 24, 2022 at 7:52 pm

      You summerized this so well! Thank you for your feedback 🙂

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