Can Money Buy Happiness? The Truth About Emotional Spending
UPDATED for 2025
Can money buy happiness? Ask anybody and you’re likely to get a NO. We’ve heard this for years, everyone says it, and we all pretty much believe it. But here’s my twist on the usual ideas when it comes to this idea…
Money can’t buy happiness. But it can RENT it!
Now, that might sound a little bit strange. You might even be wondering exactly how you can “rent” happiness with any amount of money. But just sit with the idea for a moment, and see what comes up for you.
Here’s what that statement means to me, and I’ll start with an idea that might sound different than the usual ideas and motivations that people have for making more money.
Do you like to go out and buy things with the money you make? I’m talking specifically about things that might not be everyday living needs, but things that bring you feelings of happiness, joy, comfort or love. If you said yes, honestly, that’s not a big deal! It’s nothing you need to be ashamed of at all.
In fact, having the ability to go out and purchase the things in life that bring you happiness is part of the motivation for many of us to get out there and make more money. There’s honestly nothing wrong with that!
BUT, here’s the other side of that coin…
If you find yourself going after the same emotions over and over, and attempting to fulfill these needs through external circumstances (e.g. buying a lot of things), you’re no longer getting a short-term influx of that feeling that you want to bring into your life.
So instead of enjoying a temporary influx of good feelings, if it gets to this point, you’re actually using the things you buy as something to fill a void in your life.
I bet you can see how that strategy can only be successful for so long, right? This is what I mean by money being able to “rent” happiness. This is something known as “emotional spending.”
So if you’re ever in this situation, here is an important question to ask yourself…
What emotion are you trying to “rent” over and over again? This is where the emotional spending comes in.
It could be happiness, joy, fulfillment, security, validation…or something else entirely. Here are a few examples of purchases that you might make in hopes of getting emotional fulfillment…
- Hiring coaches to validate you, as oppose to flying on your own (and creating a breakeven or loss in your business)
- Buying workout clothes instead of actually working out
- Purchasing way too many books/courses and not completing them
Basically, we’re talking about any sort of “quick fix” to compensate for the lack of an emotion that you want to have. These kinds of purchases or investments can be a sign that you’re using money for something that it can’t provide for you over the long-term. It’s using money to fill a void rather than looking at that void, and doing the inner work that might actually give you the long-term results you desire.
So what am I saying with all of this, in the end?
It’s perfectly OK to buy things that bring you happiness. Just know that the happiness you get from anything external, or anything outside of yourself, will last only so long. That’s what I mean by “renting” happiness.
So by all means, go out into the world, purchase things that lift your spirits and bring you happiness, and enjoy them! But at the same time, keep an eye on how often you do this, and what you actually expect that your purchases will do for you.
If you find yourself turning to “retail therapy” (or other kinds of purchases) more often than you’d like, simply take a step back, pause, and reflect.
Ask yourself what you believe that your purchases will really do for you over the long term. Are the things that you’re buying on a regular basis in hopes of bringing yourself happiness really bringing you the long-term joy you want, or are they simply temporary fixes
Whatever answers you receive, it’s OK. No judgment. Just be aware of what you’re after when you make purchases. Be honest about what you’re really looking for when you buy things, and go from there.
And, if you find that your purchases are an attempt to fill a void in your life, go deeper. Look into that void, and ask yourself what feelings you really crave here. Then consider other options that might bring you the feelings that you seek with more consistency over the long-haul.
I always focus on my personal self-care and dig into the Inner Work when I get into this space, and it helps me sort things out every time!
Now, how about you? What do you think about money buying happiness (or not), and how about the thought of “renting” it through the things you buy? What do you do when you realize that the things you buy only bring excitement and joy for so long, and how do you shift your actions to set yourself up for longer-lasting happiness?
I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!
Until Next Time,
Love, Light, and MONEY, Honey…
P.S. This is a good time to think about your personal Money Archetypes! Are you the kind who can manifest money with ease but can’t keep a hold of it, OR are you the one who manages your money well, but clings to it for dear life?
I share some tips on how to recognize your Money Archetype, and play to its strengths! Find out about the archetype of the Manifestor HERE and the Archetype of the Hustler HERE!