How To Manage Your Money In 4 Simple Steps
Wondering how to manage your money and build wealth in your business without feeling like the amount of money you have is running the show? This is a question I get a lot from my clients, and it’s a good one.
There are strategies to successful money management. BUT there’s more than to it than just investing and saving.
Over the years I’ve discovered some money management secrets that many entrepreneurs don’t know. Some of them might surprise you, but they’re all actually quite simple. And anyone can learn them no matter where they are on their financial journey.
It all comes down to not letting your money be in charge. We’re talking about not getting hung up on how much money you do or don’t have.
The ultimate secret is something that I like to call LEADING your money. It’s about not letting your money limit you. This is how you manage your money and expand your wealth.

You might be wondering what I mean by “leading your money.” That’s what I’ll explain here!
I used to struggle with money a lot. Money was a major limiting factor in my life, a lot of the time because I had so little of it. There was even a time that I was so broke I didn’t even know what I liked, let alone what I wanted.
Eventually, through a lot of work on money mindset, I realized that I was letting my money limit me. That meant that the money ran my life. In other words, I wasn’t leading my money. I was letting my money lead ME. This didn’t
Here’s what that means in terms of money management and wealth building…
If you let your money limit you, your money is in charge, not you. What usually happens next is that the more money you make, the more you spend.
You might think that all you need is to make more money and your life will suddenly improve. But if you don’t know how to lead your money, you’ll stay where you financially even if you have more.
It might sound strange, but in some ways it’s actually easier to be on a restricted budget. Because when you have so little to work with, your money gives you limits. When you get used to having these limits, but then suddenly have an excess inflow of money, your spending can easily get out of control. What happens next? You go back to broke, and start all over again.
Successful money management depends on LEADING your money, no matter how much you have. Here’s how you can make that happen!
Believe it or not, learning to lead your money instead of letting it lead you is as easy as 1-2-3-4! That is, there are 4 major steps to learning to lead your money, and I’ll share them right here.
Step 1: Create money boundaries. This means creating a budget with the money you have now. Then, adjust your budget when you expand your income and. This isn’t mean to be restrictive. It’s meant to help you expand your money. You’ll learn positive money habits as you go, so when your income grows, you’ll know how to manage it so that it KEEPS growing (instead of spending it as fast as you make it).
Step 2: Give your money a job. What does this mean? Two things. First diversify your income streams as much as you can. Then, give each income stream a “job,” i.e. a purpose. Money loves purpose, so when it has something to do, it flows much more easily. This helps raise your money vibration, and can also help you draw more abundance your way.
Step 3: Vote with your dollar. Remember, every dollar you spend is a “vote” on your values. When you buy with intention, you become more intentional overall with how you spend and invest your money. So as much as you can, make sure that you’re participating in money exchanges and investments that matter to you. This sends all that good energy to the things you care about while also expanding your money.
Step 4: Make your money work for YOU. Your money should always be working for you, no matter how much you have. Some examples are earning interest in savings, compounding interest in investments, building equity in assets, elevating your lifestyle, and creating opportunities. So don’t let your money just sit there in a bank account doing nothing. Channel your money into expansive outlets like these examples, and watch what happens.
Until next time…
Love, light, and MONEY, Honey…