how to know what your real business priorities are

What are your business priorities? Now, you might say “making money,” and of course that’s a big one. After all, the point of a business is to make money. But what I mean here is going beyond the obvious, and finding out what you truly value in your business.

And the best way to find out what matters to you is where your money goes.

Or, to put it another way, you can tell a lot about your business priorities by looking at your BUSINESS REPORTS.

Now, business reports might sound pretty boring, right? Cash flow statements, P&L reports and balance sheets sound like things you send off to the accountant and forget about.

But to be honest, I LOVE reading reports. It makes me feel more like a fortune teller than an accountant. Why?

Because your reports paint a picture of what you value in your business. They can also tell you where your business is going.

Your business reports–things like P&L reports, balance sheets, and cash flow statements–tell a story> It’s a story not only of your profits, but also your habits, values, and priorities. Not to mention projections for your future (if you stay on the same path, that is).

When I go over financial reports with clients, it gives me and my clients insight as to how their MIND works, what they prioritize, and what they value.

How can your reports tell you things like this? It’s all about where the money goes.

As just one example, your business reports can show if your business is supporting your personal needs, and without even looking at your personal finances. I’ve seen examples like this many times with clients, and it’s always an eye-opener.

Here is a quick test to see not only where your business stands financially, but also what you truly value in your business.

Run your business reports, like your P&L, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Then, ask yourself these questions:

1-What did I spend the most on in the past year?

2-How much did i pay myself?

3-How much did I save for taxes?

4-How much cash did I keep in the business?

Take it all in, and look at it with curiosity rather than judgment. Remember, no matter what you discover, it’s simply information. From there, you can choose what direction you want to take next.

So, what do your reports tell you about your business priorities? I’d love to hear what kind of insight this little exercise gave you!

Let me know in the comments below…

Until Next Time,

Love, light, and MONEY, honey…


P.S. Not sure about how to interpret your reports, and would like a “report reading” with me? I’d love to work my fortune-teller magic for you! Let’s get together and chat, and we’ll see what we can do to make this year your BEST business year yet. Book your call HERE!


  1. Merri on February 17, 2025 at 3:59 pm

    Simply and perfectly stated! Thank you for the great “reminder tip.,” Kaylee.

    • Kaylee Spinhirn on February 17, 2025 at 5:57 pm

      You’re welcome! Glad you got something out of it.

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