5 things to stop doing to attract more money
5 Things to STOP Doing so you can raise your money vibration (and attract more abundance!)

It’s funny that so many times, what we SAY we want doesn’t match the actions we take. A perfect example is when we say we want to attract more more money. But instead of changing our actions to support this desire, we keep taking the same actions we’ve been taking all along that haven’t been working. What’s more, we keep repeating this cycle over and over, hoping for a different result.

Even more detrimental is when we say we want one thing (like attracting more money), but it doesn’t match the thoughts we repeat in our heads.

I see it all the time, in clients, friends, and in the person I used to be. There are all kinds of thoughts, stories, and habits we all have that keep our wealth vibration low. And most of them we’re doing to ourselves behind our own backs!

Crazy, isn’t it? But SO common that it’s kind of scary. 

I bet you’d love to uplevel your money game and kick your wealth vibration into high gear. No matter where you’re at in right now, we all want to live a more abundant life, right?

So today, I’m going to share with you the top the top 5 things to STOP doing, so you can raise your wealth vibration. If you’re looking to uplevel your money consciousness and attract more wealth, look out for these and see if any of them sound familiar.

1. Resenting the money you currently have. Maybe you don’t think that you have enough money (read all about why “more money” isn’t the answer right HERE!). Or you’re getting your current income through a job that you hate. Regardless of the reason, you’re not going to bring in more money until you appreciate the money you’ve got right NOW.  

2. Asking for things for free when you know the return on investment you could get might be a game-changer. Do you ask for freebies or discounts for a product or service that you know is valuable?

Sure, it never hurts to ask. But when you’re asking with a mentality that the world owes you, and inadvertently preying on others who don’t have strong boundaries, it’s a lose-lose. It’s not a healthy energy exchange for either party. 

So when you’re asking for something for free, be VERY aware of the energy behind it. And if that energy comes from desperation or entitlement, reconsider your ask.

3. Avoiding counting all of your income at tax time. I get it, it’s not fun to pay taxes (that’s why you hire good accountants).  But if you’re not reporting all your income come tax time, the results can be energetically taxing.

First, you’ll shrink into the role of a lower-earner for half the year. Then, you’ll have to tell yourself lies to play out the act for at least the next 7 years (that’s how far back the IRS can go for an audit). There is a definite energetic weight being dishonest with your money. It’s best to celebrate every penny with the proper care, and step into role of the earner you are. 

4. Hanging on to toxic relationships because you ‘need the money’. Are you holding onto jobs and clients from hell because you’re desperate for cash? It might sound logical. Maybe even necessary until you can “make more money.” But the truth is that if you keep toxic business relationships alive for the sake of money, nobody wins.

You keep people in your life that aren’t aligned with you. You complain about them, yet at the same time use them as an income source. Can you feel the negative energy compounding just by reading this? I bet you can.

These tactics really trap your money flow vibration behind a huge dam, and it usually requires extra repair in the long run. So let the clients and business associates from hell go once and for all. You’ll be doing BOTH yourself and them a favor (AND clear space for more aligned people to come into your life!).

5. Bartering. Now, bartering isn’t all bad. It’s a great tool to experiment with when you were just starting out, especially if you’re cultivating your skills. But now, you’re the expert. Your time is worth more than a trade! It’s time to place a dollar amount on your offerings and embrace receiving money.

Even if you and a colleague or a friend exchange $100 each for your services and each and wind up with $0, the empowerment of the money exchange is uplifting.   

So there you have it! Avoid these 5 money-vibration killers and start upping your money attraction powers TODAY. If you’re ready to uplevel your money game, start by stopping these 5 things and watch what happens! It’s one of the better ways to attract more money into your life.

Now, how about you? Have you done any or all of these things? (I know I have!) Leave a comment and tell me which ones you’ve stopped doing, and how it has helped you uplevel your money game. OR, if you’re looking for more ways to let go of any of these money energy vampires, and learn how to attract more money, leave a comment!

Until next time…

Love, light, and MONEY, Honey…



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