Do You Really Know How Money Works? Here’s Why It’s So Important
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that most entrepreneurs don’t know how money works. It’s easy to see why. Because honestly, it’s something that most of us just aren’t taught.
But when you’re an entrepreneur, understanding how money works isn’t an option. It’s necessary. Here’s how I learned this…
I started out life really broke. Needless to say, I didn’t grow up with a positive money story. Eventually I realized that if I ever wanted any kind of financial freedom, I had to figure it out for myself.
I started my professional life as an accountant. I figured that this was the way to learn how money worked. (Seems logical, right?) So I jumped right in, figuring that accounting was just going to be balancing numbers and a little bit of math, and I could do that easily enough. I assumed this was the direction my career was headed, and I’d be doing it all my life.
But why accounting? My reasoning was logical…
I believed that once I mastered the numbers and the math, I’d finally “get” how money works, and I’d never be broke again. But I was in for a surprise…
Now, at the time, I wasn’t good at connecting with people. I honestly wasn’t great at relationships in general. But I discovered that I was good at crunching numbers. Accounting seemed like the perfect career for me, and I thought I’d be content to crunch numbers forever.
But it wasn’t long before I noticed something that bothered me about the financial world.
I realized that the financial world supported crunching numbers, but it didn’t support financial health.
The financial world didn’t promote financial education. It didn’t teach people how money works. It was a reactive and transactional world. There was no energy exchange involved.
Most of all, I saw that the financial world didn’t seem interested in the human behind the numbers.
Then, when I started working with entrepreneurs, I saw many of them were clueless about their money. Even if they had accountants and CPAS, they were still lost. Sometimes their financial support staff even took advantage of them because they didn’t know what questions to ask.
I realized that so many entrepreneurs felt like they didn’t control their own finances, and this left them very discouraged.
This inspired my mission to help entrepreneurs understand how money works, so they could finally create profitable and sustainable businesses. (I share that story HERE ⬇️ )
Then I became a certified Yoga teacher, and it opened up a new world in my money journey.
Now, it doesn’t seem like Yoga has much to do with money. But when I learned about things like chakras, yoga nidra, lucid dreaming, I realized that everything is energy. Including money. So I brought these ideas into my own money healing journey, and into my business. Here’s what I learned…
I learned that you can understand how money works as a concept. But you also need to understand how it works as a relationship. This is everything to entrepreneurs.

Because once you become an entrepreneur, you are completely responsible for your money in ALL the ways. When you’re an employee, it’s different. You get a W2, you live within your means, and you know when and where your money comes from.
But when you’re an entrepreneur, you’re in charge of everything. You need to see money from both a business and personal perspective. It can easily get confusing and overwhelming, and leave you feeling out of control of your own money.
My mission in this lifetime is teaching creative entrepreneurs like you be confident with their money. I educate you on things like QuickBooks, Accounting, Finance, Cash Flow, and of course the energy behind money. It’s all part of the entrepreneurial journey.
Here we bring it all together. You’ll learn how money works, both as a concept and a relationship. That’s where the magic happens!
I’ve brought all this together in something that I call the Cash Flow Crash Course.
Working with clients, I’ve seen truly magical changes. And I’ve facilitated these changes because I’ve been on the same journey myself. You’ll learn about the practical and the magical side of money, and it will change your business life!
Learn more about the Cash Flow Crash Course HERE, and let’s take the first step to creating a new money story AND a new financial life for your business!
Until next time…
Love, Light, and MONEY, honey…