If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you seen a lot of these things I call Money Mantras. Sometimes they even turn up here on the blog! Now, I’m going to share how Money Mantras came into my life, how they changed the way I see money forever.

Then, I’ll show you how they can help you make big strides on your money journey, too! 

So what are Money Mantras?

Money Mantras are simply positive affirmations or statements about money. And I have to say, I looovveee Money Mantras! They were my first step in my Money Mindset healing journey back in 2014, and I’ve been using them consistently EVER since.

Money always finds a way to me Money mantra card
One of my many empowering Money Mantras, “Money Always Finds a Way To Me.”

I got started with Money Mantras because at the time, they were a simple step that I could utilize right away. They were also something that I could pull out any time I needed a shift in my mindset. They gave me a simplified message to a complicated process, and helped me get consistent about my Money Mindset practice.

The cool part is that Money Mantras make a difference no matter where you are on your money journey.

They’re effective whether you have $5 in the bank or $500,000. They can grow with you into any stage on your Money Journey. They’ve helped me come a LONG way in my relationship with money. No wonder I’ve kept them around for so long! 

Because I have to say, back then the journey was NOT an easy one for me…

Find out more about how Money Mantras changed my life right HERE!

I grew up realllllyyy broke. I was brought up in an environment where there was plenty of money for drugs and alcohol, but not enough for food or clothes.

No big surprise, then, that I was also raised with a broke mindset.

I was taught there is never enough money for us because the rich people and the government are stingy. The message was that if I wanted something, I better get off my ass and work for it. This was a message that I took to heart at a very young age. 

I worked three jobs when I was between 14 and 15 years old. I was a waitress, house cleaner, and a construction worker . These jobs paid for my rent, clothes, and food. Without these jobs–and working hard at all of them–I had nothing to my name. 

This created an Early Money Belief: Working hard is the only way to make money. My job was in complete control if I ate that week- no work, no money, no food.

Needless to say, money was a high-stakes game!

When I was 16, I asked my boss for a raise after 4 years as a waitress with no increase in pay. He replied “good workers never ask for a raise”.

This created another Early Money Belief: Money is directly tied to my worth. I needed to prove I was worthy of receiving (more) money. And if you make too much, you are selfish. 

At age 19 I took my first accounting course to learn more about money. I had never really had any “extra” money before, so I didn’t have any money management skills. I also had no idea how money generally worked.

Turns out this first course was quite the eye-opener!

After that, I went all-in with learning about money. I took course after course, worked accounting job after accounting job over the next 10 + years.

But even with all that I had learned, I still struggled with keeping money.

Sure, I’d do well for a while. But then I’d go and lose all my money to something seemingly outside of my control (divorce, lay-off, car accident, etc.). I didn’t understand why this kept happening.

This reinforced another Early Money Belief: There will never be ENOUGH Money. It’s out of my control.

There have been about a million more moments where I created those Early Money Beliefs that didn’t serve my future Wealth Mindset. But I knew that I had to do something different then I’d been doing if I wanted real change. 

And as for what my accounting classes, they taught me how money worked. But only at the most basic level. Here’s what I mean by that…

I didn’t learn anything about my relationship with money, or how it related to myself or others. I also didn’t learn anything about money in the context of energy.

This realization was what launched my Money Healing Journey. It was also the moment that I discovered the something I call a “Money Mantra.

I Believe the how will work itself out
“I Believe The How Will Work Itself Out” is an all-time favorite Money Mantra

I started coming across positive money affirmations here and there. Little by little, I started building a collection of empowering statements for myself. Then I began to meditate and received even more of them via “downloads from the Universe.” 

All the affirmations became my personal Money Mantras. Before I knew it, I had a collection of these empowering statements, and I began using them EVERY day.

Now, here’s how Money Mantras actually work

Every time an old belief pops up, a Money Mantra buys me just enough time to think in a more positive direction. As a result, Money Mantras have helped me stop these old money beliefs from cycling over and over, and have kept those old beliefs from keeping me in a stuck money reality.

Here are just a few examples of the Money Mantras I used to replace each of the Early Money Beliefs I described above…

“Money is made with Grace & Ease”

“Money Expands my Life’s opportunities and experiences”

“It’s not about how much Money I make, but how much Money I keep”

“I take care when choosing my words around Money”

My challenging relationship with money from Day 1 on this Earth was my biggest driver to learn more about it. It then led me to funnel that knowledge into healing my own money story. That’s how Money Mantras were created!

I have used this experience to help others on their paths as well & I am blessed to use Accounting as my super power!

Now, I am proud to say that I have finally created a set of Money Mantra Cards to share with the world–and you can own a set of your own, too.

Click HERE and find out how my Money Mantra Cards can change your money story for good!

Until next time…

Love, Light, & Money, Honey 🙂


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