Feeling Broke? 3 Powerful Alternatives to “I Can’t Afford It”
Let’s be real. Nobody wants to admit that they’re broke. Feeling broke is a serious downer, no matter who you are.
It makes you feel #allthethings that you don’t want to feel. We’re talking about those heavy emotions like guilt, shame, fear, and embarrassment, just to name a few.
It’s that moment when you see something you’d love to buy, but the disappointing gut-punch of reality hits, and you say those four little words…
“I can’t afford it.”
These words can feel particularly awful when you’re an entrepreneur. After all, when you’re in business for yourself, you’re THE breadwinner, and your money depends directly on YOU. More pressure, more fear of rejection, it feels even worse when you fail–you get the idea.
But when it comes to it, entrepreneur, employee, or otherwise, no matter how you slice it, feeling broke just feels like poop.
What do you do to get your money mindset mojo back when you’re feeling deep in the broke-ness, and “I can’t afford it” is all that you can say?
Now, I’m a big fan of money mantras, mindset shifts, and happy thoughts. I swear by these practices, and use them every day.
But here’s the part that so many money manifesting practices leave out...
If you want to change anything, you have first to accept where you are NOW. Not dwell on it, not create a story around it, but simply be HONEST about your situation.
This is where one of my favorite money mindset hacks comes in.
There are lots of ways to admit that you’re feeling broke without believing that you’ll always be broke. You can be honest about your circumstances without getting stuck in them.
Trust me, “I can’t afford it” is one of the most disempowering sentences on the planet. Unfortunately, this is usually the default response when money is tight. And it’s a belief that keeps you stuck.
Today I’ll show you three ways to admit to being broke without limiting yourself. You’ll learn how to face the facts while still staying open to new opportunities.
Most of all, I’ll show you how to feel wealthy and enjoy your life, no matter what your bank balance says!
Trust me, I’ve used all of the tips I’m about to share, and there’s plenty of personal experience behind them all.
After all, I’m an accountant. I’ve been cultivating my money relationship for years. To me, money is like a dear old friend. That friend that sometimes you don’t know whether to punch or hug (and sometimes at the same time)!
Believe me when I say that I’ve been through my share of energetic woes and hardship trials with good ol’ money. Just like anyone else!
So let’s start the money mindset shift with a powerful truth. When you’re beginning to shift into the space to open up to cash flow, start by setting the tone. Pay attention to your thoughts and wisely choose your words when it comes to money.
Believe it or not, when you choose to acknowledge your current situation (and not hide from it), you empower yourself. You move into a place where you increase your vibration and change your mood.
Now, you’re in a space where you can choose the thoughts and words that create a higher vibration and a happier mood, no matter what your situation.
Here’s the coolest part of all. A good mood ultimately translates into more money!

So the idea is to stop suppressing your negative emotions. Notice them, be honest about how you feel, and let those feelings do their thing. Then focus on positively reframing your circumstance, and watch what it does for your overall mood. And sooner or later, your bank balance!
So now that you’re ready to change your words around money, what words can you choose to acknowledge your situation without getting stuck in it?
Here are my three favorite alternative phrases to the tried (and NOT so true) stand-by, “I can’t afford it.”
Word Shift #1: “It’s not in my budget.” A while back, I came across an intriguing meditation course. The enrollment fee was $400, and it was about to kick off. Now, you know that this Traveling CFO loves all things meditation and spirituality, and my interest was piqued.
Still, the enrollment fee was a bit out of my budget at the time. But instead of saying, “I can’t afford it,” or “I’m broke right now,” I chose my words more thoughtfully. Instead, I said, “I didn’t budget for it.” And I made a mental note to start setting aside money for the next enrollment date.
Word Shift #2: “It’s not a priority.” This is an especially empowering phrase because it puts you in charge. It lets you decide what matters the most to you in any given moment, not what you think you “should” need or want.
After all, your priorities shift and change. Sometimes you’re just not in enough discomfort (or aren’t inspired enough) to even WANT change. Sometimes there are just bigger fish to fry in your life, and that’s OK.
So if something is not high enough on your wish list right now, don’t blame it on the money. Instead, say that you have other priorities.
Word Shift #3: “I’d rather do XYZ.” It can be pretty humiliating when financial constraints force you into turning down dinner invites from your friends. But there are ways to decline an invite without saying NO to a social engagement, and without making you dwell on the “I’m broke” side of things.
Next time your buddies suggest dinner out, try this. Tell them you’re not up for dinner out right now, but suggest another meetup that is more within your budget. Maybe meeting for coffee or going on a hike would be just as much fun. And with a significantly lower bill.
Remember, you don’t always have to live by “yes” or “no.” There are many different third options out there, so have a little fun and get creative!
So there you have it! Three simple ways to be honest about your money situation without letting it keep you stuck.
Be honest about how you feel, then decide how you’d rather feel instead. From there, pay attention to your thoughts and choose your words wisely. Words have power, so choose the ones that empower you and lift your spirits.
The longer you stay in positive spirits, the sooner you’ll shift your outer reality!
Now, I want to hear from you! Do you have any similar reframes that help you feel empowered even when you’re feeling broke? Please share them in the comments below!
What’s the best thing you can do start attracting more money? Shift your WORDS around money! Then start telling a new money story!
Until Next Time,
Love, Light, and MONEY, Honey…
Those are great responses as well as ways to focus after you say them. Thank you!!
Thank you Kathleen!
Thank you! I hope you find this to be helpful even still.
Someone recently told me to stop saying “i can’t afford this” but i didn’t really know what to replace it with. Your article really helped me build a mind set shift around turning it from a negative to a positive with different situations. I think the hardest thing for a lot of people in these situations is feeling like you can’t have a social life when you’re “broke”. Nourish relationships through interaction not activities that require you spend money, especially when *you didn’t budget for it*. 🙂
I am soooo happy to hear this, they way you choose your words will make a positive impact on all those around you. 🙂
Hello! I am so very happy to hear this, how has it been working for you so far in this last year? I do have some excellent Mantra cards should you desire 50 more mantras that can work for you. https://www.coachingwithkaylee.com/money-mantra-cards/
I have been literally looking for this exact thing! Thank you so much!! I am trying so hard to shift my mind set and get into the vortex to where I will start to turn things around for me. I have gotten into a horrible habit of saying the negative “I’m broke” knowing I was just beating it into my subconscious. I greatly appreciate you writing this because it will help me immensely!
Hello! I am so very happy to hear this, how has it been working for you so far? I do have some excellent Mantra cards should you desire 50 more mantras that can work for you. https://www.coachingwithkaylee.com/money-mantra-cards/