A while back I shared a post about how some of us manifest money easily only to spend it all. It’s something that I see people do quite often, and sometimes it event gets to the point where you spend money even before you receive it.

I shared about the energetic reasons why this happens on that post. Now, I’d like to go deeper into the mindset that goes along with these energetic issues, and the money habits that result.

How does this spending money before you receive it habit get started? Let’s get into that here.

Here’s the thing. If you’re what I call a “hustler,” you might be good at manifesting money but have a hard time keeping it. It could eventually create a money habit where you find yourself spending money even before you receive it.

What happens next? You get to the point that when you make more money, you just spend more money. It flows out just as fast as it flows in (and sometimes even before it flows in). If this habit continues, it leads to debt.

This is the kind of money habit you don’t want to create! But instead of getting bogged down in shame about creating debt, try something else. Here’s what I suggest…

To change an outcome, you need to understand the driving thoughts that created it. This starts by asking the right questions.

So instead of beating yourself up for an unsupportive money habit, let’s figure out how you created it in the first place. Start by grabbing a pen and paper, and asking yourself a couple of honest questions.

Question #1: What drives me to spend before I receive?

Write down everything that comes up when you sit with this one. You don’t need to judge yourself, just be honest. What are you thinking and feeling before you make a purchase? What is your purchase really all about?

Question #2: In which scenarios do I feel comfortable spending money before I’ve received it?

A similar thing here. What circumstances make you feel the need to spend money before you receive it? Are they social situations, or moments when you feel the need to “keep up appearances?” Sit with this one and see what comes up.

Having trouble answering these questions? Try this…

If you’re hitting a wall with these questions, keep this in mind: all we’re doing here is looking for the real reasons why you spend money. The thoughts and emotions that drive your purchases. But, if you’re struggling to come up with answers, try this…

Take the next 7 days and go on what I call a “spending freeze.” This means to delay ALL purchases (outside of living needs) for a week.

This exercise isn’t intended to shame or punish you. It’s meant to help you pause and see in real time the thoughts and emotions that drive your purchases.

So during your spending freeze, if you feel the need to buy something outside of your living needs, stop. Pause and reflect. Then ask yourself…what is the real reason you want to make this purchase?

This way you’ll hear the story you tell yourself to justify spending beyond your means. And you’ll hear it loud and clear.

Here’s a real-time example from my own life: back when I was first beginning my money mindset work, I put this exercise to use. I discovered that I had a habit of purchasing workout gear, but never actually working out. What did this tell me?

I learned that I wanted to try and buy the feeling of being fit but not actually doing the work to get fit! That was an eye-opening revelation, both for my health and fitness as well as my pocketbook. It also showed me what thoughts and emotions were driving my purchases.

So if you find yourself spending beyond your means, give these tips and exercises a try. See if you can identify where this money habit came from, and give yourself the chance to break the cycle.

Let me know how this goes for you, and what you learned in the process!

Until next time…

Love, light, and MONEY, honey…


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