Do you feel broke even though you have money?

Feeling broke is no fun for anyone. That energy can keep you feeling stuck, and create a financial struggle. I talk a lot about what you can do to shift your energy when money actually is tight, as well as what you can do to raise your money vibration fast when those moments hit.

But what do you do when you actually have money but you still feel broke?

I’m talking about feeling like you’re still in a financial struggle even though technically, you’re doing pretty well in the money department.

But first, let’s talk about what people usually consider “doing well” financially.

What does that mean to most people? Most people I ask about this tell me that they believe they’ll feel financially secure when they “no longer have to budget their money.”

Well, if you’ve been here with me for any length of time, I bet you know that I’m a BIG fan of budgeting. Everyone needs a budget, even millionaires (it’s how they stay millionaires!).

So what I believe people really mean by “not having to budget” is that they can comfortably afford their basic needs, lifestyle budget, and have some financial security (things like emergency savings, some retirement, and investments.

I’ve worked with many clients and known many people who have reached all these goals. So many times they expect to feel less stressed about money at this point, without constant financial worry.

But often, this is NOT the case. People so often continue to feel broke even though everything they’ve ever wanted has come true.

So what’s going on here?

I know this feeling very well, I must say. That moment when you realize you don’t “have to worry” about money after having stressed about it for YEARS. While there is some immediate emotional relief, I remember not feeling truly relieved for a very long time.

Turns out I was experiencing something I call “financial dysmorphia.” It’s when still feel and act like you’re broke, when the reality is the opposite.

So what is “financial dysmorphia?”

It’s a distorted perception of your financial situation. You feel broke even when you’re not. It’s like no amount of money could make you feel the kind of safety and security you’re looking for. This kind of thinking can lead to insecurity and dissatisfaction, regardless of how much money you’re making.

Here are some reasons why you might be feeling this way…

1. You fall into patterns of “Lifestyle Inflation.” What is Lifestyle Inflation? This when your expenses go up along with your income. For example, you overindulge in all the things you never had when you were broke. Now, this might sound like a natural response to suddenly “having money.” But it’s actually an action based on fear–the fear that your new-found income could decrease at any moment, so you better enjoy it now.

What do do about it: If you find yourself living in a space of Lifestyle Inflation, take a step back. Recognize that you’re making these kinds of lifestyle inflations out of fear. And of course, fear is the opposite of abundance. Don’t judge yourself, simply bring awareness to it. Use it as a space to heal those fears.

2. You aren’t celebrating your success enough. 🥳 Being broke can trigger a lot of emotions, and it can also keep you stuck in a place where you constantly focus on what you don’t have. So you work and you stress out, but you might not realize that you’re focused on lack.

AND, if you constantly focus on what you don’t have, you might find yourself afraid to celebrate what you receive. This is another fear-based reaction–you’re afraid to celebrate what you have in fear that it will go away. This can keep that broke mindset going long after you’ve moved up a few tax brackets!

What to do about it: Celebrate ALL your wins! From finding a penny on the sidewalk to landing a five-figure client, celebrate it all. Welcome all your success, and get into that space of gratitude. Remember, when it comes to energy, like attracts like. And gratitude is one of the most attractive forces there is.

3. You don’t trust enough. When you’ve seen your money disappear (for whatever reason), over time it’s easy to have a mistrust of money in general. You start to doubt that money will ever stay in your life, and your trust and faith goes down the drain. And the longer you stay in a place of mistrust, the more stuck there you get.

What to do about it: Like many other relationships, building trust with yourself and your money takes practice. But it’s well worth the effort. Start learning to trust yourself when it comes to money. Remind yourself that if you received money once, you can do it again. And that if you lost money once but managed to manifest it again, you can and WILL do it again. Focus on trust, and don’t let fear overtake your capabilities.

4. You don’t feel aligned with your income streams. This is one that a lot of us overlook, but it’s a biggie. If you don’t feel connected to your income, if you’re doing things you’re not aligned with to make money (e.g. a job you don’t like or a service you offer that you just don’t care for doing). you might not include it in your mind as “real” income. Interestingly enough, this can make you feel more broke than you actually are on paper.

What to do about it: It might be time to take a good look at your income streams, and reassess your business or career direction. Which ones light you up, and which ones steal your energy? Take a moment to look over how you receive your money, how you feel about the ways you receive it. Then consider how to close the gap between what you love to do and what makes you money.

That’s it! Give these steps a try, and start letting go of feeling broke once and for all.

So what do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Until next time,

Love, light, and MONEY, Honey…


P.S. Looking for support to address these kinds of money challenges in your business and life? I’m here to help! Book a call with me HERE and let’s chat!


  1. Merri on February 10, 2025 at 3:52 pm

    Great advice, Kaylee! Thank you for sharing ways to resolve scarcity mentality!

    • Kaylee Spinhirn on February 17, 2025 at 5:57 pm

      Glad you found it useful!

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