Money Tips for Startups
How To Feel Wealthy No Matter What (The Thing More Valuable Than Money)
What is the number one thing ALL wealthy people have in common? They KNOW how to feel wealthy, and they way they do it might actually might surprise you. So here it is… . The happiest wealthy people I know not only have control of their money, but they ALSO have control of something far…
Read MoreHow To Stop Feeling Broke (The #1 Thing That Keeps You Stuck)
UPDATED FOR 2025 So you want to stop feeling broke. That’s an admirable thing! Now, what is the #1 thing that will always keep you broke in your wallet and feeling broke in your mindset? It’s pretty simple. If you want to stop being broke once and for all, you need to avoid doing something…
Read MoreStartup Tip #3: 5 Ways To Get Paying Clients (And Making Consistent Money In Your New Business!)
In Startup Tip #1: How To Start A New Business, we talked about getting the word out about your new business idea in a simplified yet, organized manner. In Startup Tip #2, We talked about WHERE we can begin to find Paying Clients. That brings us to Startup Tip #3, in which we’ll talk about…
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