CFO Services
6 Ways To Clean Up Bookkeeping Disasters Before Tax Time (And Save Big Money)
Do you have all of your (bookkeeping) ducks in a row for the end of the tax year? Bookkeeping itself is a full-time job. Putting a strategy to it takes even more energy, education, time, and planning. It’s the kind of thing that many business owners tend to shove under the rug, intentionally or…
Read MoreHow To Manage Holiday Spending (And Still Enjoy The Season!)
The Holidays are here again. And a long season of celebrations (AND spending sprees) is about to start. While that means a lot of fun, excitement, and Hallmark movies, it also means something else. It brings on a lot of worry about how to manage holiday spending. This is especially true you’re not feeling particularly abundant…
Read MoreHow To Buy A Home If You’re Self Employed (or Single!)
One thing I ask all my new clients about is their personal goals. We talk about where they’d like to be in the next one to five years, then start planning for their future TODAY. For a lot of us, “big goals” includes owning a home. But to buy a home if you are self…
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