Do you want to make the most of your money in 2025 (and beyond)? I think it’s pretty safe to say that we ALL do! Of course, there’s a lot of advice out there about how to save, how to invest, and how to build your wealth. But how do you know which advice is right for you?

For me, it’s not about just about what stock to buy or making changes in my IRA and 401(k).

When it comes to money, I believe it’s all about your VALUES.

There are a million different ways to build wealth, no matter what the trends might be. The key is finding out what matters the most to YOU. This is something I like to call values-based spending. It applies not only to spending, but also saving and investing. Pretty much everything related to money!

For example, I fully believe that the future of wealth is in our communities. So it’s really important to me to invest in my community, make connections, essentially creating micro-economies based on shared values and relationships. I’ve long believed that as a society, our consumption is outgrowing our resources. So it’s a good time to get back to basics.

So what does this mean as far as making tangible financial plans going forward?

The key to making the most of your money is your relationship with money. So start there.

What do I mean by that?

This is the time to start having more meaningful conversations. It’s about looking at your own money story, and begin (or continue) healing any old money wounds. Having the courage to actually talk about money is where it all begins!

Now is also the time to learn more about how money works. It’s about investing in your communities and the things that matter to you. Spending in alignment with your values has never been more important. So determine what your values are, and take it all from there.

It’s ALSO time to have more FUN where money is concerned. Make learning and growing in your money relationship into a game instead of a chore. And make it your own!

So how can you do all this?

Here are 4 empowering steps you can take now!

4 unique money moves to make the most of your money in 2025

My top 4 Steps:

1-Have more money conversations. You can have these chats with yourself, your business bestie, your partner, your friends and family–pretty much anyone who’s up for it. So find a trusted person, and get the conversation started. Why does this matter? Because talking more about money brings it to light, like that proverbial “elephant in the room.” The more you talk about it, the easier it gets! Good money conversations can help you let go of any fear, awkwardness, or shame around the subject. Plus, you never know what you might learn from someone else, or what they could learn from you!

2-Focus on GROWTH. This is about more than just attracting more money (although that is a great thing!). It’s about healing your own money story, and clearing old “blocks.” The more you get to know yourself, the more you can heal and expand your relationship with money. So focus on moving in this direction in all that you do.

3-Invest in your values. For me, a huge part of my values is investing in my community. What matters most to you? Take some time to consider your personal values, what lights you up, and what kind of community (and world) you want to create. Use this as a basis for your spending and investing.

4-Continue learning about money. No matter who you are, you’ll find that there is always more to learn! So read a new book. Listen to a podcast. Follow a finance-based coach or content creator. Use any opportunity you can to learn more about investing, budgeting, saving, mindset, or whatever areas of that intrigue you.

That’s it! Use these 4 simple steps to guide your money journey this year, and watch where it takes you!

What do you think? Which one resonates the most with you, and which one do you plan to start with? I would love to know!

Until next time…

Love, Light, and MONEY, Honey…



  1. Merri on February 3, 2025 at 5:04 pm

    Hi, Kaylee! I particularly tuned in to the suggestion to continue to keep on learning about money! At my spot it life, you’d think I’d be right on top of that. Not so! It wasn’t taught to me earlier, so I’m figuring it out now with your great help!

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